Plans & Pricing

Use our Free plan forever, need more just upgrade to Pro anytime


$0.00 / mo

10,000 clients / test

  • 1 target host
  • 1 min tests
  • 3 urls per test
Sign Up Now


$99.95 / mo

100,000 clients / test

  • unlimited target hosts
  • unlimited 10 min tests
  • 10 urls per test
Sign Up Now

Each paid plan includes

  • Advanced analytics
  • Concurrent tests
  • DNS Verification
  • Team features
  • Priority loaders
  • Priority support
  • Extra awesomeness

Need more?
No problem

Contact us about
a custom plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a long-term contract or minimum contract term?

Our subscriptions are month to month, so you are not required to commit to 12, 24, or even 2 months at signup. You can even upgrade, cancel, and upgrade again later if you want.

When am I billed?

We bill everybody at the beginning of each month. When you sign up, you pay a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the month, and then you will be billed again the full subscription amount at the beginning of the next month.

Can I just pay per test?

Our subscription plan allows you to run larger tests for longer than any other load testing platform, for one flat, monthly rate. In many cases, you could end up paying for several subscriptions running a single test on another platform!

Do you offer refunds?

We generally don’t need to, but if you experience issues with that make it unusable for you, let us know and we’ll do our best to help.

What happens when I delete my credit card?

When you delete your credit card, you are cancelling your subscription. You still have access to all pro features for the remainder of the month, and you won’t be charged for the next month. At the beginning of the next month, your account will be downgraded to the basic plan.

What testing locations are available?

Currently all tests are run from Amazon’s US-east datacenter.

What are "Advanced Analytics"?

Advanced analytics are more in-depth, more detailed test results. This includes response times, and response codes for each URL in a test (free users only see aggregated stats for all URLs), response time and bandwidth histograms (much more informative than the averages you get for free), and more to come. Get the latest news about our advanced stats from our blog.

I still have a question. How do I contact you?

Send us an email at If you ask frequently enough, we'll add it to this page :)